Suchbegriff: justinian_codex
Treffer: 3

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clined in the name of the state, and the pe-nalty to the man was relegation, or a sortof banishment, and confiscation of the cri-minal's estate. Constantine made adulterycapital. Cod. l. 9. tit. 9. l. 30. The fol-lowing Emperors abated this severity.Nov. 134. 10. Justinian confined the adul-teress for life in a monastery; and conti-nued the capital punishment on the adul- terer.

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Cod. 1. 9. tit. 9. b.

3 - Anmerkungen eines unpartheyischen Fremden über die gegenwärtige Streitigkeit zwischen England und Preussen /

Cod. lib. 4. tit. 31. lege