Suchbegriff: louis_fr
Treffer: 2

1 - The life of Jacob Thomson /

By the command of his royal highness the prince of Wales, Mr. Thomson, in conjunction with Mr. Mallet, wrote the Masque of Alfred, which was performed twice in his royal highness's gardens at Cliffden. Since Mr. Thomson's death, this piece has been almost entirely new modelled by Mr. Mallet, and brought on the stage in the year 1751, its success being fresh in the memory of its frequent auditors, 'tis needless to say more concerning it.

2 - Leben des Jakob Thomson /

Auf Befehl Sr. Königl. Hoheit des Prinzen von Wallis verfertigte Herr Thomson, ge meinschaftlich mit dem Herrn Mallet, die Maske des Alfred, welche zweymal in dem Garten Sr. Hoheit zu Cliffden aufgeführet ward. Nach dem Tode des Herrn Thom sons ward dieses Stück von dem Herrn Mallet ganz neu umgearbeitet, und 1751. wieder auf die Bühne gebracht.